Here is the link to WFCCG Website section concerning public consultation on the future of services and updates on actions taken as a result.
Below are the press releases from Action on Hearing Loss as a result of the statement made by Worcestershire CCGs on 22nd November.
Posted on 23/11/2016

Action on Hearing Loss has welcomed the decision made by the NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Wyre Forest CCG and NHS South Worcestershire CCG not to restrict access to hearing aids for local people across Worcestershire.
The decision means that hearing aids, the only viable treatment for hearing loss and one that is extremely cost effective, will continue remain freely available for people with a hearing loss in the area.
The three Clinical Commissioning Groups announced their decision (22 November) following a survey in 2016, with Action on Hearing Loss providing robust clinical evidence highlighting the flaws in the proposed restrictions and demonstrating the lifeline that hearing aids represent to people with hearing loss. The charity’s view was supported by hearing aid providers, the audiology community, local deaf groups and thousands of local people.
Paul Breckell, Action on Hearing Loss Chief Executive, said: ‘We are delighted with the decision made by the NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Wyre Forest CCG and NHS South Worcestershire CCG not to restrict hearing aid services in Worcestershire which have always been available for free to local people in Worcestershire from the NHS.
‘We appreciate that they accepted our robust clinical evidence and took into consideration the feedback that they received from patients, community groups and other key stakeholders as part of the engagement exercise, with the three CCGs concluding that significant savings could not be achieved through the cutting of hearing aid services – indeed, it is crystal clear that any policy of this nature is a false economy given the costs it will incur in the longer term.
‘We look forward to engaging and working with the three Worcestershire CCGs in the future to offer our support and expertise to help ensure local people have access to high quality hearing aid services in line with NHS England’s National Commissioning Framework for Audiology Services which was published in July 2016.’
Statement from NHS Redditch and Bromsgrove Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Wyre Forest CCG and NHS South Worcestershire CCG
Update (22 November 2016)
Over the past few months the Worcestershire CCGs have undertaken more work on the areas identified above. This has allowed the CCGs to develop a more clear understanding of the likely impact of implementing any proposed changes. The CCGs are currently unconvinced about the level of savings that would be achieved were specific restrictions to be introduced to primary care hearing aid services and ‘over the counter’ medicines on prescription.
Taking this into consideration, along with the responses received from patients, community groups and other key stakeholders as part of the first phase of engagement, the CCGs are not taking proposals around primary care hearing aid services or ‘over the counter’ medicines any further at this stage.
Contact for media enquiries:
Gorki Duhra, Senior PR Officer at Action on Hearing Loss, telephone: 020 7296 8057 / 07944 038635 or email , @HearingLossPR