Tuesday 28 April 2015

Hearing Aids Under Threat 1 - Letter to Dr Mark Shapley sent via email 8th December 2014 No acknowledgement!

4th December 2014

Dr Mark Shapley
Clinical Chair
North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group
Morston House
The Midway
Newcastle under Lyme

Dear Dr Shapley,

Letter sent to Dr Shapley and copied to those on list at foot of letter in Dec 2014
Now being resent as an open letter.
North Staffordshire Clinical Commissioning Group’s proposal to consider withdrawing provision of NHS funded hearing aids for adults with mild to moderate hearing loss

Thank you for taking the trouble to talk with me during the comfort break at N Staffs CCG Board Meeting in public on 5th November 2014.  It was very much appreciated.  Although not a Staffordshire resident I have many family members living in Staffordshire who are likely to be affected by decisions your CCG makes.  Also, as a member of several patients’ groups, I am most concerned that this is something of a test case being closely watched by other CCGs in the country.  Thousands of vulnerable people are at risk of being seriously socially disadvantaged.  Please take a few minutes to read this letter and supporting documents.

I feel I need to clarify a few points that were raised during our chat, as well as making a few additional pertinent ones:

1.     You said that a technician had checked the loop, system and that it was working. 
a.     I said it was not working with my hearing aids or anyone else's in the room. 
                                               i.     My hearing aids do work with other loop systems. 
                                              ii.     As it is government policy for disabled people to have access in public buildings I suggest that properly working hearing aid loops should be part of this policy when meetings are held in public.  I respectfully suggest that it would be more helpful if a hearing aid wearer could test the system before meetings in public begin rather than a technician 40 mins after the start.
                                             iii.     I would question whether or not one stationary microphone placed high amongst the board was adequate for its intended purpose.

2.     You suggested that my hearing aids were not doing their job as I was unable to hear some members of the board despite positioning myself in the middle of the front row.
a.     This suggests a basic misunderstanding of hearing aids. 
                                               i.     They are valuable aids. They do not restore perfect hearing.
                                              ii.     Without my hearing aids there would have been no point in me attending your - or any other - meeting.  I would have been unable to make out much of what you were saying face to face because of the background noise in the room.
b.     There were non-hearing aid wearers who were unable to hear some board members.  My husband, in the back row, watched approximately 10 - 12 people (hearing aid and non-hearing aid wearers) leave the meeting because they could not hear what was being said.  I suggest that reasons for this may have included:
                                               i.     poor acoustics in the room,
                                              ii.     indistinct speech of some speakers,
                                             iii.     poor positioning of speakers in relation to the public - although I accept this was very largely down to the geography of the room.
1.     One of your board members (Naomi Chambers) asked a member at the very back of the room to speak up for her benefit.

3.     You said information received from Action on Hearing Loss suggested that those who derive most benefit from hearing aids are those with severe hearing loss.
a.     Louise Pritchard, Executive Director of Services at Action on Hearing Loss clarified - in your hearing - that it is people who suffer from mild to moderate hearing loss who derive most benefit from hearing aids.
                                               i.     This fact is reinforced on many reputable websites concerning hearing loss.
                                              ii.     In addition the CCG has received at LEAST three official documents confirming this fact.  This forces me to consider that the CCG is ignoring salient points in important documents submitted to them as part of the consultation process.

4.     You said 30% of hearing aid owners do not wear their hearing aids and asked me if it was right to be spending NHS funds in this way.
a.     I asked if this was a valid reason for denying hearing aids to the 70% of us who do wear them. (Mine go in when I wake in the morning and come out when I go to bed at night.) 
b.     Using this as a criterion begs the question, "Are you going to deny all patients medication because some fail to take it?" 
c.     Would it not be better to address the reasons why 30% are unhappy with their hearing aids rather than denying them to the overwhelming majority whose lives are transformed by them?

5.     You asked why 30% of owners did not wear their hearing aids.
a.     No-one wants to wear hearing aids.  It takes time to get used to foreign bodies in your ears. 
b.     Possible reasons for people not persevering may include:
                                               i.     Waiting too long to seek help for hearing loss. Someone who has had substantial hearing loss for many years may find the world too noisy when hearing aids are first fitted.  (I have a friend who wears his only when watching television for this reason.)
                                              ii.     Poor back up service in some areas where people are unaware that tweaking of aids and moulds is possible if things are not right at the start. (I have persuaded many people to persevere to get things right.) 
                                             iii.     Waiting times for appointments are often long. I waited three weeks for an appointment to have a mould that was making my ear bleed seen to.  Fortunately, I had an old mould to use in the meantime.  New wearers would not have had this option and may have become discouraged by uncomfortable, ill fitting moulds.
                                             iv.     Hearing loss saps people’s confidence which in turn makes them less likely to ‘make a fuss’.

6.     I pointed out to you that the cause of anyone's hearing loss is irrelevant. 
a.     Hearing loss prevents people from carrying out normal everyday activities that require verbal communication and can only be addressed by the wearing of hearing aids. 
                                               i.     I am aware that there are other devices for use in specific circumstances but nothing replaces hearing aids that are easily portable behind the ear and of use in the vast majority of situations. 
1.     I and many others would be social outcasts without them.
b.     You said the cause of hearing loss was not the issue. 
                                               i.     I said you had made it the issue by targeting people with adult onset age/noise related hearing loss. 
1.     NB It is against the law to discriminate on the grounds of age.

7.     I raised the subject of the scale you propose to use when deciding the cut off point criterion for supplying hearing aids. The decibel level at which I hear different frequencies tested varies from 10 to 70.
a.     You said that the 70 meant I had severe hearing loss and indeed I do have severe loss in 4,000Hz frequency.
b.     However, if the method of giving a score by averaging the decibel level across all frequencies tested is used one of my ears scores 47 and 45 (originally quoted as 49 and 44 in error.)
                                               i.     An average score distorts the the true impact of age/noise related hearing loss.
1.     Low frequencies (250HZ to 500Hz are frequently unaffected so should they be included?)
2.     Loss in higher frequencies (1000Hz to 8,000Hz) greatly affects clarity of speech.
                                              ii.     Where does this leave people like me?  Without my hearing aids:
1.     I have great difficulty hearing some sounds including: p fs th h g k ch sh. 
2.     My brain has to work very quickly to try and insert these sounds into normal speech by using the context in which they are spoken. This is exhausting, frequently inaccurate and often leads to misunderstanding. 
                                             iii.     My hearing aids enable me to hear those sounds and experience a similar level of verbal communication as those without hearing loss.
                                             iv.     Please see supporting documents 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 6 for further clarification of hearing loss and its effects.

8.     You asked me to name conditions for which NHS funding could be reduced in order to continue the provision of hearing aids. 
a.     I suggested fighting for more funding if the present funding is inadequate.  You said this was not possible.
b.     I do not approve of anyone with clinical need being denied treatment.  However, there are ailments where patients do have some choice over how they manage their condition.
c.     People with age/noise related hearing loss can do nothing to restore their hearing.  The only viable solution to enable them to communicate verbally as others do is to wear hearing aids.

9.     I asked what further steps you thought I should take if the campaign to preserve hearing aid provision should fail.  You replied that I should contact my MP.

10.  I know what it is like to struggle without hearing aids.  (Please see unedited supporting document 7)
a.     Making sense of what people say is a constant, exhausting battle. 
b.     In addition to the hearing challenge we have to cope with the intolerant attitude of those who believe our hearing problem is a convenient excuse for our 'failure' to pay attention.
c.      I have found that wearing hearing aids encourages a more tolerant attitude.
d.     They are visual clues that help others understand we have a medical condition that needs to be addressed - rather like a plaster cast on a broken leg.

11.  Invisible hearing loss can lead to isolation and invisible depression that can lead to invisible dementia.
a.     Informed medical opinion states that parts of the brain associated with hearing atrophy when not functioning fully.
b.     If someone does not hear and understand what is spoken they cannot store the memory of what has been said and can therefore not recall that information.

12.  I am seriously concerned that members of the board - despite their medical background - seem to lack a basic understanding of the term hearing loss. 
a.     To conduct further research before setting criteria for the provision of hearing aids seems a complete waste of public money to me.
                                               i.     What criteria do you need?  If a person cannot hear well enough to participate in verbal communication they need hearing aids. 
                                              ii.     Please see supporting documents 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 for further clarification of hearing loss and its effects
                                             iii.     Rather than manipulating figures and formulating eligibility criteria I suggest it might be more helpful to look at samples of hard evidence of how hearing loss affects actual people.  Hence the attachment of  documents that I feel argue the case for hearing aid provision more relevantly than faceless numbers.
                                             iv.     Please see supporting documents, 3, 6 & 7 for clarification on how hearing loss affects me personally.

13.  In addition I implore you to read the excellent appeal document that I understand Action on Hearing Loss sent to you with their formal response in July. It includes anecdotal and pictorial evidence from real people whose lives have been transformed by wearing NHS hearing aids.
a.     These, I feel, are likely to help make treatment more patient centred as Dr Julie Oxtoby aims to do. 
b.     The appeal document can be downloaded here: http://www.actiononhearingloss.org.uk/get-involved/campaign/hearing-aid-cuts.aspx
c.     Hearing aid provision should be made on clinical need determined by an audiology professional not a set of criteria devised by people who have little or no understanding of the problems patients contend with on a daily basis.

14.  I know that savings have to be made to enable the board to stay within its budget but I would argue that it is grossly unfair to penalise people who have no control over their medical condition whilst continuing to fund treatment for conditions over which patients do have some control.
a.     It takes many people years to finally admit they have a hearing problem. They tend to seek help out of desperation because their quality of life has deteriorated to the point where they have to accept that they need help.
b.     To deny such people help is a cruel twist that will cause many to become reclusive. I decided I had a choice: hearing aids or social withdrawal. Will I have that choice in future or be condemned to social exclusion?

15.  I appreciate that N Staffs CCG is being expected to take decisions based on a cost effective strategy imposed from those on high.  I am, therefore, copying this letter and accompanying documents to various people and organisations who I feel have a relevance to this problem. 

16.  We should, however, be in no doubt that the NHS ethos is such that treatment should be provided on clinical need.  Every morning when I put in my hearing aids I feel gratitude to the NHS for the provision of them but angry that N Staffs CCG is considering denying thousands of patients these lifelines.

Thank you for reading this letter.  I await the board’s decision with great anxiety and trepidation.

Yours sincerely,

Kathleen Hill

Copies to: 
      Jeremy Hunt MP Health Secretary,
      Sue Hill NHS England
      Karen Bradley MP Staffordshire Moorlands,
      Paul Farrelly MP Newcastle under Lyme,
      Dr Julie Oxtoby - Clinical Accountable Officer (Her goal is to ensure the provision of the best possible medical care through strengthening and developing primary care whilst maintaining a patient-centred focus.) 
      Dr Paul Unyolo - Clinical Director (As a GP he has an interest in the well being of people, hence the importance of taking care of everyone’s Mental well being.)
      Naomi Chambers – Board Member for PPI & Vice Chair of the Board.
      Action on Hearing Loss

      British Society for Audiology (BSA)

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